I released The Problem with Starseeds on the fourth of this month.
Other than that, I have put in place plans for a follow-up album. As you've noticed, I've been creating releases less as of the release of Emmerson, and am taking much more time to create something I'm happy with. That's the plan. However, if you know me, planning is very ardruous and very frustating, mainly because of my patience and tendency to show what I made the moment I made it. I blame this on my roaming around Deviantart.
I say this because, throughout writing this post, I thought of releasing an EP or two and then a major canonical release in October.
I can't do that.
I have to either create an EP or create a major release for October.
But, after consideration, I don't need to do that. Looking at past release dates of albums and EPs, they never line up.
PARADIGM Saga - June 10th, August 4th, September 24th, October 20th, November 28th.
Void Saga - January 30th, May 2nd, July 30th, August 10th, October 1st.
Static Saga(so far) - November 23rd, February 25th, April 19th, August 4th.
They don't line up with each other. They are chaotic and separated, thus why if I released something in September, it really wouldn't matter. So... keep watch! ;)